Thesis offers

PhD position - Vortex superfluid turbulence on a curved surface

A funded PhD position is available to work on the rubidium setup, on the superfluid dynamics of a quantum gas. If you are interested by a PhD in our group, please contact us.

We look for a strongly motivated student, with a background in quantum or atomic physics, willing to join our BEC group at LPL for an experimental PhD project in the field of superfluid ultra-cold atomic gases on a curved surface. In our experiment, the superfluid is confined in a hollow bubble-shaped trap, obtained by combining static magnetic and radiofrequency fields. This original geometry gives access to several situations where superfluid dynamics and turbulence can manifest itself, which will be studied in the proposed thesis. This thesis will take place in the frame of a collaboration (ANR project) with the theory group of Sergey Nazarenko in Nice.

[1] Y. Guo et al., Supersonic Rotation of a Superfluid: A Long-Lived Dynamical Ring, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 025301.
[2] R. Dubessy et al., Universal shock-wave propagation in one-dimensional Bose fluids, Phys. Rev. Res. 3 013098 (2021).
[3] Y. Guo et al., Expansion of a quantum gas in a shell trap, New J. Phys. 24, 093040 (2022).

Contact : Romain Dubessy / Hélène Perrin


PhD position - Cold atoms experiment on unidimensional Bose gases

We look for a motivated student for a three years position on a cold atom experiment.
We are working with sodium atoms confined near the surface of an atom chip, a microstructure which produces very anisotropic magnetic confinements. After cooling, it allows to reach a degenerate regime where the physics of the system is effectively unidimensional. In 1D bosons show similarities with non-interacting fermions, a striking difference compared to cold atom physics in three dimensions.
With this setup we will examine the feasibility of a novel technique to tune the interaction between the atoms, relying on microwave radiation. If successful, it will be used to explore the phase diagram of one-dimensional gases. The work will be mainly experimental. The setup relies on optical techniques to control and observe the atoms. Basic skills in electronics and programming for the data treatment are also welcome.

Contact : Aurélien Perrin / Hélène Perrin


The "Bose-Einstein Condensates" group of LPL's "Quantum Gases" axis has recognized expertise in the field of quantum gases in reduced dimensions and quantum simulation. It is an active member of QuanTiP, a consortium bringing together all the groups in the Paris region in the field of quantum technologies.

Le LPL est membre de QuanTiP, un réseau regroupant toutes les équipes travaillant sur les technologies quantiques autour de Paris. Le réseau organise des séminaires, workshops et écoles d'été tout au long de l'année.

Contact : Hélène Perrin / Romain Dubessy / Aurélien Perrin