Perspective: Quantum gases in bubble traps |
R. Dubessy and H. Perrin |
Submitted |
arXiv:2410.10268 |
Fast manipulation of a quantum gas on an atom chip with a strong microwave field |
M. Ballu, B. Mirmand, T. Badr, H. Perrin and A. Perrin |
Phys. Rev. A 110, 053312 (2024) |
Paper / arXiv:2405.07583 |
Asymmetric Bethe Ansatz |
S. G. Jackson, H. Perrin, G. E. Astrakharchik, and M. Olshanii |
SciPost Phys. Core 7, 062 (2024) |
Paper / arXiv:2311.15155 |
Paper selected as a CNRS highlight |
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Thermal melting of a vortex lattice in a quasi two-dimensional Bose gas |
R. Sharma, D. Rey, L. Longchambon, A. Perrin, H. Perrin and R. Dubessy |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 143401 (2024) |
Paper / arXiv:2404.05460 |
Characterizing far from equilibrium states of the one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation |
Abhik Kumar Saha and Romain Dubessy |
Submitted |
arXiv:2210.09812 |
Loading a quantum gas from a hybrid dimple trap to a shell trap |
D. Rey, S. Thomas, R. Sharma, T. Badr, L. Longchambon, R. Dubessy, and H. Perrin |
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 214401 (2022) |
Paper / arXiv:2208.14684 |
Growth of the Wang-Casati-Prosen counter in an integrable billiard |
Z. Hwang, C. A. Marx, J. Seaward, S. Jitomirskaya, and M. Olshanii |
SciPost Physics 14, 017 (2023) |
Paper / arXiv:2011.09467 |
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Expansion of a quantum gas in a shell trap |
Y. Guo, E. Mercado Gutierrez, D. Rey, T. Badr, A. Perrin, L. Longchambon, V. Bagnato, H. Perrin, and R. Dubessy | |
New J. Phys. 24, 093040 (2022) | |
Video abstract | Paper / arXiv:2105.12981 |
Enhancing sensitivity to rotations with quantum solitonic currents |
P. Naldesi, J. Polo Gomez, V. Dunjko, H. Perrin, M. Olshanii, L. Amico, and A. Minguzzi |
SciPost Phys. 12, 138 (2022) |
Paper / arXiv:1901.09398 |
Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective |
A. Amico et al. |
AVS Quantum Sci. 3, 039201 (2021) |
Paper / arXiv:2008.04439 |
Dynamical phase diagram of a one-dimensional Bose gas in a box with a tunable weak link: From Bose-Josephson oscillations to shock waves |
Abhik Kumar Saha and Romain Dubessy |
Phys. Rev. A 104, 023316 (2021) |
Paper / arXiv:2104.09842 |
A versatile ring trap for quantum gases |
M. de Goër de Herve, Y. Guo, C. De Rossi, A. Kumar, T. Badr, R. Dubessy, L. Longchambon, and H. Perrin |
J. Phys. B 54, 125302 (2021) |
Paper / arXiv:2103.14310 |
Universal shock-wave propagation in one-dimensional Bose fluids |
R. Dubessy, J. Polo Gomez, H. Perrin, A. Minguzzi, and M. Olshanii |
Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013098 (2021) |
Paper / arXiv:2007.05252 |
Paper selected as a CNRS highlight |
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Supersonic rotation of a superfluid: a long-lived dynamical ring |
Y. Guo, R. Dubessy, M. de Goër de Herve, A. Kumar, T. Badr, A. Perrin, L. Longchambon, and H. Perrin |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 025301 (2020) |
Paper / arXiv:1907.01795 |
Oscillations and decay of superfluid currents in a one-dimensional Bose gas on a ring |
J. Polo Gomez, R. Dubessy, P. Pedri, H. Perrin, A. Minguzzi |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 195301 (2019) |
Paper / arXiv:1903.09229 |
Comparison of time profiles for the magnetic transport of cold atoms |
T. Badr, D. Ben Ali, J. Seaward, Y. Guo, F. Wiotte, R. Dubessy, H. Perrin, and A. Perrin |
Appl. Phys. B 125, 102 (2019) |
Paper / arXiv:1809.07096 |
Studying fundamental physics using quantum enabled technologies with trapped molecular ions |
D. M. Segal, V. Lorent, R. Dubessy, and B. Darquié |
J. Mod. Opt. 65, 490-500 (2018) |
Paper / arXiv:1803.04772 |
Producing superfluid circulation states using phase imprinting |
A. Kumar, R. Dubessy, T. Badr, C. De Rossi, M. de Goër De Herve, L. Longchambon and H. Perrin |
Phys. Rev. A 97, 043615 (2018) |
Paper / arXiv:1801.04792 |
Local correlations reveal the superfluid to normal boundary in a trapped two-dimensional quantum gas |
R. Dubessy, C. De Rossi, M. de Goër De Herve, T. Badr, A. Perrin, L. Longchambon and H. Perrin |
AIP Conference Proceedings 1936, 020027 (2018) |
Paper / arXiv:1711.04586 |
Non-adiabatic losses from radio-frequency dressed cold atom traps: beyond the Landau-Zener model |
K. A. Burrows, H. Perrin and B. M. Garraway |
Phys. Rev. A 96, 023429 (2017) |
Paper / arXiv:1705.00681 |
Trapping atoms with radio-frequency adiabatic potentials |
H. Perrin and B. M. Garraway |
Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 66, Chapter 4, p. 181-262 (2017) |
Paper / arXiv:1706.08063 / pdf |
The scissors oscillation of a quasi two-dimensional Bose gas as a local signature of superfluidity |
C. De Rossi, R. Dubessy, K. Merloti, M. de Goër de Herve, T. Badr, A. Perrin, L. Longchambon and H. Perrin |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 793, 012023 (2017) |
Paper |
Detailed study of a transverse field Zeeman slower |
D. Ben Ali, T. Badr, T. Brézillon, R. Dubessy, H. Perrin and A. Perrin |
J. Phys. B 50, 055008 (2017) |
Paper / arXiv:1609.06525 |
Topical Review: |
Recent developments in trapping and manipulation of atoms with adiabatic potentials |
B. M. Garraway and H. Perrin |
J. Phys. B 49, 172001 (2016) |
Paper |
Probing superfluidity in a quasi two-dimensional Bose gas through its local dynamics |
C. De Rossi, R. Dubessy, K. Merloti, M. de Goër de Herve, T. Badr, A. Perrin, L. Longchambon, and H. Perrin |
New J. Phys. 18, 062001 (2016) |
Paper / arXiv:1603.00434 |
Three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii solitary waves in optical lattices: Stabilization using the artificial quartic kinetic energy induced by lattice shaking |
M. Olshanii, S. Choi, V. Dunjko, A.E. Feiguin, H. Perrin, J. Ruhl, and D. Aveline |
Phys. Lett. A 380, 177 (2016) |
Paper / arXiv:1509.02065 |
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Imaging the collective excitations of an ultracold gas using statistical correlations |
R. Dubessy, C. De Rossi, T. Badr, L. Longchambon, and H. Perrin | |
New J. Phys. 16, 122001 (2014) | |
Paper / arXiv:1410.1675 |
Breakdown of scale invariance in the vicinity of the Tonks-Girardeau limit |
Z. D. Zhang, G. E. Astrakharchik, D. C. Aveline, S. Choi, H. Perrin, T. H. Bergeman, and M. Olshanii |
Phys. Rev. A 89, 063616 (2014) |
Paper / arXiv:1312.7005 |
Inductive dressed ring traps for ultracold atoms |
Matthieu Vangeleyn, Barry M. Garraway, Hélène Perrin and Aidan S. Arnold |
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 47, 071001 (2014) |
Paper / arXiv:1310.2070 |
Breakdown of scale invariance in a quasi-two-dimensional Bose gas due to the presence of the third dimension |
Karina Merloti, Romain Dubessy, Laurent Longchambon, Maxim Olshanii and Hélène Perrin |
Phys. Rev. A 88, 061603(R) (2013) |
Paper / arXiv:1311.1028 |
A two-dimensional quantum gas in a magnetic trap |
K. Merloti, R. Dubessy, L. Longchambon, A. Perrin, P.-E. Pottie, V. Lorent, and H. Perrin |
New J. Phys. 15, 033007 (2013) |
Paper / arXiv:1303.2474 |
Dynamics of parametric matter-wave amplification |
R. Bücker, U. Hohenester, T. Berrada, S. van Frank, A. Perrin, S. Manz, T. Betz, J. Grond, T. Schumm, and J. Schmiedmayer |
Phys. Rev. A 86, 013638 (2012) |
Paper / arXiv:1203.5357 |
Critical rotation of an annular superfluid Bose gas |
R. Dubessy, T. Liennard, P. Pedri, and H. Perrin |
Phys. Rev. A 86, 011602(R) (2012) |
Paper / arXiv:1204.6183 |
Hanbury Brown and Twiss correlations across the Bose-Einstein condensation threshold |
A. Perrin, R. Bücker, St. Manz, T. Betz, C. Koller, T. Plisson, T. Schumm, and J. Schmiedmayer |
Nature Physics 8, 195–198 (2012) |
Paper / arXiv:1012.5260 |
Rubidium 87 Bose-Einstein condensate in an optically plugged quadrupole trap |
Romain Dubessy, Karina Merloti, Laurent Longchambon, Paul-Éric Pottie, Thomas Liennard, Aurélien Perrin, Vincent Lorent, and Hélène Perrin |
Phys. Rev. A 85, 013643 (2012) |
Paper / arXiv:1112.0660 |
Application of lasers to ultracold atoms and molecules |
Hélène Perrin, Pierre Lemonde, Franck Pereira dos Santos, Vincent Josse, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra, Frédéric Chevy, and Daniel Comparat |
Comptes Rendus Physique 12, 417-432 (2011) |
Paper / arXiv:1102.1327 |
An Example of Quantum Anomaly in the Physics of Ultra-Cold Gases |
Maxim Olshanii, Hélène Perrin, and Vincent Lorent |
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 095302 (2010) |
Paper / arXiv:1006.1072 |
RF spectroscopy in a resonant RF-dressed trap |
R. Kollengode Easwaran, L. Longchambon, P.-E. Pottie, V. Lorent, and H. Perrin, and B.M. Garraway |
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 065302 (2010) |
Paper / arXiv:1002.2620 |
An effective scalar magnetic interaction for resonantly trapped atoms |
Barry M. Garraway and H. Perrin |
Physica Scripta T140, 014006 (2010) |
Paper / arXiv:1003.4843 |
Source laser intense pour le refroidissement du 87Rb par doublement de fréquence d'un laser fibré télécom |
P.-E. Pottie, L. Longchambon, J. Delaporte, R. Desbuquois, T. Liennard, V. Lorent and H. Perrin |
arXiv:1002.2619 |
Ultracold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensation for quantum metrology |
H. Perrin |
Eur. Phys. Jour. ST 172, 37 (2009) |
Paper / arXiv:0909.4644 |
Influence of the Radio-Frequency source properties on RF-based atom traps |
O. Morizot, L. Longchambon, R. Kollengode Easwaran, R. Dubessy, E. Knyazchyan, P.-E. Pottie, V. Lorent, and H. Perrin |
Eur. Phys. Jour. D 47, 209 (2008) |
Paper / arXiv:0804.1367 |
Trapping and cooling of rf-dressed atoms in a quadrupole magnetic field |
O.Morizot, C. L.Garrido Alzar, P.-E. Pottie, V.Lorent, and H.Perrin |
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, 4013-4022 (2007) |
Paper / arXiv:0709.2841 |
Continuous transfer and laser guiding between two cold atom traps |
E. Dimova, O. Morizot, G. Stern, C. L. Garrido Alzar, A. Fioretti, V. Lorent, D. Comparat, H. Perrin and P. Pillet |
Eur. Phys. Jour. D 42 299-308 (2007) |
Paper / arXiv quant-ph/0609208 |
Diffuse reflection of a Bose-Einstein condensate from a rough evanescent wave mirror |
Hélène Perrin, Yves Colombe, Brigitte Mercier, Vincent Lorent, Carsten Henkel |
J. Phys. B 39 4649-4658 (2006) |
Paper / arXiv physics/0605092 |
Evaporative cooling in a radio-frequency trap |
Carlos L. Garrido Alzar, Hélène Perrin, Barry M. Garraway, Vincent Lorent |
Phys. Rev. A 74 053413 (2006) |
Paper / arXiv physics/0608088 |
Ring trap for ultracold atoms |
Olivier Morizot, Yves Colombe, Vincent Lorent, Hélène Perrin, Barry M. Garraway |
Phys. Rev. A 74 023617 (2006) |
Paper / arXiv physics/0512015 |
Diffraction of a Bose-Einstein Condensate in the Time Domain |
Y. Colombe, B. Mercier, H. Perrin and V. Lorent |
Phys. Rev. A 72, 061601(R) (2005) |
Paper / arXiv quant-ph/0507276 |
A Bose-Einstein condensate bouncing off a rough mirror |
Hélène Perrin, Yves Colombe, Brigitte Mercier, Vincent Lorent, Carsten Henkel |
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 19 151 (2005) |
Paper / arXiv quant-ph/0509200 |
Focusing at the nanoscale by atomic holography ? |
E. Knyazchyan, B. Mercier, H. Perrin, P.-E. Pottie and V. Lorent |
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 19 44 (2005) |
Paper |
Ultracold atoms confined in rf-induced two-dimensional trapping potentials |
Y. Colombe, E. Knyazchyan, O. Morizot, B. Mercier, V. Lorent, and H. Perrin |
Europhys. Lett. 67,593 (2004) |
Paper / arXiv quant-ph/0403006 |
Loading a dressed Zeeman trap with cold atoms |
Y. Colombe, B. Mercier, H. Perrin, and V. Lorent |
J. Phys. IV (Proceedings) 116, 247 (2004) |
Paper |
Adiabatic transportation of a Bose-Einstein condensate to a dielectric surface |
Y. Colombe, H. Perrin, D. Kadio, M. Olshanii, B. Mercier, and V. Lorent |
J. Phys. IV (Proceedings) 119, 159 (2004) |
Paper |
Schemes for loading a Bose-Einstein condensate into a two-dimensional dipole trap |
Y. Colombe, D. Kadio, M. Olshanii, B. Mercier, V. Lorent et H. Perrin |
J. Opt. B : Quant. Semiclas. Opt. 5, S155 (2003) |
Paper / arXiv cond-mat/0304650 |
Inhibition of electromagnetically induced absorption due to excited-state decoherence in Rb vapor |
H. Failache, P. Valente, G. Ban, V. Lorent, and A. Lezama |
Phys. Rev. A 67, 043810 (2003) |
Paper / arXiv quant-ph/0211065 |