The research projects in the BEC group


Rubidium team: BEC on a curved surface

Fig. 1

A radio-frequency dressed bubble-shape trap enables the study of fast rotating Bose gases. Thanks to a newly developed gravity compensation scheme we aim at studying two-dimensional vortex turbulence on a curved surface. See the Rubidium project page.
Left: TOF image of a BEC in a dressed quadrupole trap

Sodium team: BEC on a chip

A new experiment is under construction in the group. Visit its homepage!

Theory: Quantum anomaly in 2D

Fig. 3

In a recent theoric work, we studied the effect of a quantum anomaly on a Bose gas confined to 2 dimensions. The anomaly produces a small shift of the frequency of the breathing mode. We proposed a way to observe this effect in an experiment.
Left: TOF image of a BEC in a dressed quadrupole trap.

Join us!

The BEC group is a member of IFRAF.