The BEC group is expert in manipulating Bose-EInstein condensate in radiofrequency dressed potentials. Our current experimental studies in this field focus on exploring the superfluid dynamics of degenerate Bose gases on a curved surface or in an elongated trap. We are also interested in the physics of ultracold gases in lower dimensions (1D, 2D).
We have currently two experimental projects: rubidium atoms on a curved surface and sodium on an atom chip.
The BEC group is a member of QuanTiP.
Oct. 2024 NEW! We offer a post-doc position on our Rubidium project.
Sep. 2024 Our paper on Thermal melting of a vortex lattice has appeared in PRL as an Editor's suggestion! See also the communication from CNRS Physics Institute.
May 2024 Check our new papers posted on arXiv in April and May!
Apr. 2024 We welcome Zhibin Yao who joined the Sodium project as a postdoc.
Sep. 2023 We offer two post-doc positions, one on each our experimental projects.
Sep. 2023 We welcome Matthieu Cassus, joining the Rubidium project for a PhD.
Jan. 2023 We produced a sodium BEC on top of our atom chip! |
Oct. 2022 We offer a Master internship on each setup, that can be followed by a PhD in the group.
Oct. 2022 Our paper on gravity compensation in a bubble trap has appeared in New Journal of Physics. Enjoy the video abstract! |
Sep. 2022 We have been awarded an ANR funding in collaboration with Thorsten Schumm from TU Wien on the exploration of microwave Feshbach resonances. This project will be implemented on the Sodium setup.
Jul. 2022 We have been awarded an ANR funding in collaboration with Sergey Nazarenko on the study of superfluid turbulence on a curved surface. We will soon start this exciting new project on the Rubidium setup.
Mar. 2022 We welcome Simon Thomas, who joined as a post-doc the Rubidium project.
Dec. 2021 Opening of the website of our ANR project Quantum-SOPHA.
Nov. 2021 Check a new book celebrating 12 women from Paris Region in quantum science. |
Oct. 2021 We welcome Rishabh Sharma, new PhD student on the Rubidium project.
Aug. 2021 We have contributed to a Roadmap on atomtronics, just published in AVS Quantum Science.
Jul. 2021 We offer a funded PhD position on the rubidium experiment. [FILLED]
Jul. 2021 We have been awarded an ANR funding, coordinated by Patrizia Vignolo and in collaboration with Anna Minguzzi and Quentin Glorieux, on excitations in a 1D gas explored with the sodium setup.
Mar. 2021 We're in the general press! A four-page paper in the magazine 'Le Point' on women in quantum science and a full interview of Hélène written by Guillaume Grallet.
Jan. 2021 Our paper on universal shock-wave propagation in one-dimensional Bose fluids is published in Phys. Rev. Research. |
Jan. 2021 Yanliang defended his PhD on January 13th. Congratulations! And good luck for your new life in Innsbruck!
Dec. 2020 We offer a funded PhD position on the rubidium experiment. Contact us!
Nov. 2020 We have been awarded a SIRTEQ funding in collaboration with Quentin Glorieux and Nicolas Pavloff, on out-of-equilibrium superfluids.
Nov. 2020 Joe defended his PhD on November 20th. Congratulations Dr Seaward! And atoms are just beneath the chip!
Nov. 2020 A new book on Atoms, ions and molecules applied to quantum technologies, written by the French Cold Atoms community, edited by R. Kaiser, M. Leduc and H. Perrin has been released. The English version will follow. |
Mar. 2020 The Institute of Physics of CNRS published a communication about our PRL paper on a supersonic superfluid dynamical ring.
Jan. 2020 A good start for the New Year: Our paper on the superfluid dynamical ring rotating at supersonic speed is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. as an Editor's Suggestion and featured in Physics! |
Nov. 2019 Our paper on oscillation and decay of superfluid currents is published in Phys. Rev. Lett.
Oct. 2019 We take part in an exhibition on quantum technologies in Cité des Sciences.
Oct. 2019 We offer a funded PhD position on the sodium experiment. Contact us! [Jan. 2020: This position is now filled.]
Sep. 2019 We welcome a new PhD student, David Rey, on the rubidium project. Welcome David!
Jul. 2019 Check our results on fast rotating superfluids forming a dynamical ring.
Oct. 2018 Atom chip mount is ready for the sodium experiment.
Oct. 2018 New internship offers, see here.
Sep. 2018 Check our last study on the best time profile to transport atoms with magnetic coils.
Aug. 2018 Avinash Kumar has moved to the Femto-ST laboratory, we wish him good success in his new job!
Apr. 2018 Our paper on phase imprinting selected in the kaleidoscope of PRA.
Dec. 2017 Our group in the press and in a museum! See the French journal Sciences et Avenir #850 "L'Avenir est quantique" on quantum simulation and the exhibition "Froid" on the cold at the Cité des Sciences in Paris.
Nov. 2017 A new internship offer is available on the sodium atom chip project.
Oct. 2017 We welcome two new PhD students: Yanliang Guo on the rubidium ring project and Joe Seaward on the sodium atom chip project.